Politically correct English refers to the act of changing a word or expression instead of another in order to avoid being offensive. This can apply to situations such as sexism or racism. An example of this would be to use the term "Firefighter" instead of "fireman"
I hope thats the answer you wanted/ hope it helps
Make notes to easily remember certain things or make it easier to understand something. Organize your subjects and personal items such as binders, papers, notebooks, lockers etc. Make your notes and work personal, add notes for easy answer access and easier understandings of subjects. Make sure to use remembering tactics like the repeating of words or ideas, also make sure to reread or ask questions if needed. Study notes that you take down like they are flash cards to also help with remembering questions and there answers. Attendance is also very important for studying and remembering. If you miss a day try your best to get caught up and study more to get caught up.
100 %
A timestamp is an indication (also called a marker) which tells us at what time / when the relevant text was spoken. They are represented in the format [HH:MM:SS]; where HH are hours, MM are minutes, and SS are seconds - from the beginning of the audio or video file.
There are different kinds of timestamps as below:
1. Periodic timestamps - Periodic timestamps appear at a consistent frequency. They can appear for every 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 2 minutes.
2. Paragraph timestamps
3. Sentence timestamps
4. Speaker timestamps
Time stamping format used while transcribing audio files is:
where [hour:minute:second]
so 5th minute is [00:05:00]
If the 5 - 15 minute part of an audio has to be transcribed stamping should be started at [00:05:00]
If a client requests time stamping every 30 seconds the next timestamp would be [00:05:30]
"Social workers are responsible for helping individuals, families, and groups of people to cope with problems they're facing to improve their patients' lives." https://mswonlineprograms.org/job-duties-and-responsibilities-of-social-workers/
If you use this answer make sure to use quotation marks and include your source.