Here are Six essential steps for developing consistent brand messages.
1. Get your facts straight – Do your homework. Make sure that the messages are accurate, grounded in data.
2. Remember Context is important – Does each message fit the strategy and mission of the organization, product or service? Don’t use gratuitous statements just because they may be popular at the time. For example who wouldn’t want to be green right now? Don’t just say you are green, if you chose to say it make sure it is accurate.
3. Create clear compelling rationale for the messaging strategy. When possible support the rationale with insights or other data.
4. Connect the stakeholders – Make sure the messages, promises, and benefits are appropriately vetted through the organization to ensure that all stakeholders are aware and able to deliver on any direct or implied promises to the consumer.
5. Test it. Show the copy or concept to unbiased target audience members. Are there subtle nuances you didn’t anticipate? It’s easy for marketers to assume the audience
6. Solicit feedback from touch points within the organization. For example customer service centers, front line staff etc. Use the feedback to improve future communications.
A. $2,650,000 $3,312,500
B.$532,000 $291,500
C.$10 $10
Before Dividend After Dividend
(a)Stockholders’ equity
Paid-in capital
Common stock, $10 par
$2,650,000 $2,915,000
In excess of par value $106,000
Total paid-in capital
$2,650,000 $3,021,000
Retained earnings
$532,000 $291,500
Total stockholders’ equity
$3,182,000 $3,312,500
(b)Outstanding shares
$265,000 $291,500
(c)Par value per share
$10 $10
Planning management function
Planning is a management procedure which aims to identify objectives for the long term future of an organization and to determine the tasks and resources required in achieving these objectives. Managers should create a business plan or a marketing plan for achieving objectives.
Financialisation is about changes in the actual conduct and meaning of work .
It would be B.) E-commerce this term is used to describe buying and selling products online.