The subjective symptoms that have led Jessica and Mike to presume she is pregnant are:
The missing of her period.
Clothes feeling tighter.
Breast tenderness.
Being nauseous in the morning.
Eating all the time.
Frequently going to the bathroom.
Amenorrhea, weight gaining, breast tenderness, morning sickness, increase in appetite and an increase in urinary frequency are subjective symptoms of pregnancy. The reason for this is that they are only noticeable by the person that experiences them or by someone that is keeping a close look at that person, like Jessica's husband. Besides, the symptoms mentioned above are subjective because there can be other things that cause them, such as premenstrual symptoms.
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The lists are Estimated Average Requirements (EAR), Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), Adequate Intakes (AI), Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (UL), and Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR).
option: A.
Protein can help you to lose your weight, as compared to carbohydrates protein takes some longer time to digest which feels full and also helps to secret a hormone which reduces the appetite. Protein intake helps in maintenance of muscles and many more benefits. The daily intake of protein for normal adult is minimum 10% and maximum 35% total calories.