New York became a state in July 26, 1788
The musician whose detractors found his chromatic harmonic literally painful and called his music ear -splitting noise is Richard Wagner. Richard Wagner, who was a German composer was considered the most progressive composer in his days and he composed many songs. He made pivotal contributions to the development of harmony and musical drama.
Maths achievements:
Basis of Geometry
Science and inventions/Technology:
Tha water mill
The odometer
The alrma clock
The Olympics Games in the sports field
Earliest practice of medicine
Modern philosophy
The most important areas in which Greeks standed out were math and science. They achieved all kinds of descoveries in the areas of psychology, astronomy, geometry, biology, physics, and medicine.
Some mathematicians, such as Pythagoras and Euclid's researches are still used in mathematical teaching today. They developed relevant basics rules of geometry, including the idea of a formal mathematical proof, and discoveries in number theory, mathematical analysis, and applied mathematics.