Hello! I am willing to answer. But, before I do, please do not get mad at me if I’m wrong! For question ten: True. For question 8: I would have to say either China or North Korea, because during the time and to this day they are very demanding countries since they’re both communistic countries. Thank you for reading my response!
The Constitution of India was drafted by the Constituent Assembly, and it was implemented under the Cabinet Mission Plan on 16 May 1946. The members of the Constituent Assembly were elected by the provincial assemblies by a single, transferable-vote system of proportional representation.
I don't see how this is possible, but the answer seems to be A which is the only answer that makes sense.
Large tax cuts don't have anything to do with supply of goods. It does help consumption but that is not the same thing as supply side economics.
C is much truer for the aftermath of WWI than a general statement about Supply. I don't think it is the right answer.
It didn't call for increased government spending unless the government wanted the goods being produced.
I think I'd go with A. It is the most straight forward.
They were born on different days haha jk
C would be the answer. The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that were for centuries central to cultural interaction and trading.