Explanation: To decode unicode to text you use An encoding standard is a numbering scheme that assigns each text character in a character set to a numeric value. A character set can include alphabetical characters, numbers, and other symbols
Implicit type casting means the type casting done by the compiler during compilation of program whereas Explicit type casting means the programmer explicitly type casts the variables. This is the difference implicit and explicit type casting.
Type casting means the conversion of one data type into another data type. There are two types of type casting. They are Implicit type casting and Explicit type casting.
<u>Implicit type casting:</u> The type casting which is done by the compiler during the compilation of a program. This occurs when we assigning smaller data type to larger data type and also both the data type are compatible. Below example clears the above concepts.

In the above example " i " is " int " data type whereas " l " is long data type but as we assigned the value of " i " to " l ". Here " int " and " long " are compatible data types and we assigned smaller data type ( int - i ) to larger data type ( long - l ) implicit type casting occurs.
<u>Explicit type casting:</u> The type casting which is done by the programmer explicitly to convert one data type into other data type. If we want to assign a value of larger data type to smaller data type explicit type casting is required. Below example clears the above concepts.

In the above example " d " is " double " data type whereas " l " is " long " data type. Here we are explicitly type casting to change larger data value ( double - d ) to smaller data value ( long - l ).
Choose Start, type the name of the application, like Word or Excel, in the Search programs and files box. In the search results, click the application to start it. Choose Start > All Programs to see a list of all your applications. You might need to scroll down to see the Microsoft Office group.
Answer:se muestran los documentos recientes, la de iTunes muestra links para abrir la iTunes Store o reproducir toda nuestra colección, etc
Answer: sales promotion
Sales promotion are special incentives or excitement-building programs that encourage consumers to purchase a particular product, often used in conjunction with advertising or personal selling programs.