Given that Metrics is Metrics is an accepted technique of measuring quantities of elements or commodities.
It is used in all facets of human activities particularly in value measurement such as production operation, financial assessment, comparison purposes, etc.
Hence, In addition to benchmark testing, performance measurements, called METRICS, can monitor the number of transactions processed in a given period, the number of records accessed, and the volume of online data.
Modulus operator are useful in many circumstances and it is commonly used to generate the random number. It basically reduce the number into random number in a small range.
It also describe that whether, the one number is a factor of another or not.
In C language, the modulus operator provide the remainder after diving the greater value with the smaller value. If the smaller number are divided by the larger number then, the quotient become zero.
I’m thinking predator? Or maybe consumer?
int index = 1 + 6 % 3;
Modulo is calculated before adding, so as first you need to calc 6 % 3, result is 0.
int index = 1 + 0 = 1;
Indexes in arrays starts from 0, ends in length - 1. So first element in the array has 0 as index, second element has 1 as idnex, etc. Your index = 1, so value of the second element in the grades will be your result. Finally, the answer is 92.
1. Write all programs to have the same priority.
Write all programs to have same priority. So that there will be no context switching in between.