Here if the value in the register $f2 is equals to the value in $f4, it jumps to the Label1. If it should jump when the value in the register $f2 is NOT equals to the value in $f4, then it should be
it depends on the kind of police check. like if its a road block type of check, they make sure everything is right. if you get pulled over you get your name ran in the system to check if you have warrents or warning and depends on what you get pulled over for, you could get a ticket or detained.
It would be False, because if you were to mess up it can result in something going bad.
Site initiation visit
is the correct answer.
Because the SIV is the sponsor-monitor which administers the detailed analysis of the site's study staff by the study protocol and it observes the process of the visite over a while that it take place after the visite of the site section. It also needed to set up the research site to administrates the analysis. So, that's why the following answer is true.