Radicalism can be defined as the actions and beliefs of people who advocate complete political reform. During 1890s to 1945, some radical groups had ties with two great political parties in America. The populist party and the Democratic party.
The populist party called for the abolition of national banks, civil service reform, and government control of railways this was supported by William Jennings Bryan and some other leaders in the Democratic party.
Futhermore, some major trade unions were linked to the Democratic party like the American Federation of Labor.
The American Civil Liberties Union was formed in 1921 when more radical organisations were subject to violent attacks especially during world war 1, to protect immigrants that were threatened with deportation and American nationals that were threatened with criminal charges.
Lin relied on aggressive moral tone, meanwhile proceeding relentlessly against British merchants in a manner that could only insult their government. The only lesson Lin drew from China’s humiliation was that it was necessary to learn more about these “barbarians” and to import their technology. He could neither comprehend the implications of the European challenge nor overcome the weakness and conservative opposition of his contemporaries. Later, the so-called Self-Strengthening Movement adopted Lin’s program of reform; still later generations of revolutionaries abandoned Chinese culture in order to save China but accepted Lin as a national hero because of his courage and example in opposing the British.
The US reported 58 220 American casualties in the Vietnam war, although it may be higher. The causalities of North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops definitely exceed more than American casualties.