European Classical music took hold in the Americas during the Colonial period. It was brought over with the colonials from England. In the 19th century, the creation of European inspired orchestras and concert houses were founded.
Human's capability to turn into violence for issues that can be solved diplomatically.
For the people who live in that period, the idea of World War I probably sound ridiculous. People thought that they're already passed the age of violence and murder. But they couldn't be more wrong.
World war I might be triggered by the Murder of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. But the fact that so many countries participated in it indicates that it actually the result of years of political problems, competition to obtain power/influence, and nationalistic pride.
If the countries at the time decided to set aside their egoistical nature and choose diplomatic approach to solve their problems, They could've prevented more than 20 million deaths.
To maintain U.S. influence in Latin America. To warn Europe to stay out of south America and to declare the united states rights to intervene in south America
Brazil announces vaccine rollout plan, and Lebannon's Prime Minister was charged over deadly Beirut Blast.
CNN is a good reputable source for you to check if this is recurring assignment, good luck!
Lyddie needed to go to the bank in order to take out money to give to Mrs. Bedlow for taking care of Rachel and so that she could buy things for Rachel