Answer: chlorophyll
Explanation: it has certain cells that are light-sensitive and capture that solar energy
Larger animals may be going into hibernation and the berries wolves eat may be out of season.
Know -
Transmitted through droplets
Has a range of side effects (loss of taste and smell, fever, etc)
People can be asymptomatic
Wonder -
When will we be able to return to semi-normal life?
Will we have to take a shot every year (similar to the flu?)
Why do some coronavirus patients become long-haulers who have recurring symptoms for many months?
Learned -
The mechanics of mask-wearing
How an individual can help their society as a whole
Many members of the population are hesitant to listen to scientists
Increased levels of CO2 make the ocean more acidic and put sea organisms in danger. ... This could mean slower growth in the world's corals reefs, which are already stressed and dying from the warmer ocean temperatures associated with increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Answer: two identical cells