At 9:05 A.M., the bell rings and children file into their third-grade classroom. The first student to sit at his or her desk-book open and pencil ready to write-wins a star for the day. The students love this little bit of competition. This example of nonacademic socialization (which can teach students the benefit of competition) is referred to, by sociologists, as the:<u> hidden curriculum</u>.
Hidden curriculum is a sociology concept that describes the often unarticulated and unacknowledged things students are taught in school and that may affect their education experience. These are often unspoken and implied lessons unrelated to the academic courses they're taking — things learned from simply being in school.
I'm pretty sure its because they believe the pharos is closer to their gods than the citizens so they believe the pharos hold more power.
Reasons are supported by evidence
B) Melissa had weak interpersonal and networking skills to run the project.
Interpersonal skills are described as an individual's maneuver and behaviors that he or she uses to interact with those of the other person effectively. In business, it is being used to define as an employee's capability to work in a better way and includes listening and communication related to deportment and attitude.
Networking Skills are described as a phenomenon that helps an individual to improve and develop a skill set. It includes a good listening tendency that is responsible for validating value towards the other person's opinion and therefore shows respect.
The correct answer is the Hotel (delete "tel". Needed to get past the filter) Chi Minh Trail.
The trail was a series of mountain and jungle paths that were used by the VC forces to attack American and American aligned forces.
Advantageously, the trail ran through Laos and Cambodia, making them ostensibly off limits to American forces as Laos and Cambodia were not part of the theatre of war.