Conglomerate rock
This is a type of sediment rock that has a coarse-grained texture. It is made up of small pieces of gravel-sized clasts, such as pebbles and cobbles. The mechanism of conglomerate rock formation is by consolidation and lithification.
Conglomerates are found in a variety of sedimentary environments such as, Deepwater marine, Shallow marine, Fluvial, Alluvial, and Glacial environments.
<em>Demography: the investigation of the attributes of human populaces. </em>
<em>Demography: the investigation of the attributes of human populaces. </em><em>Age</em><em>,</em> race, sex, different models incorporate where individuals live, where individuals are going,<em> where individuals are conceived, where individuals pass on. </em>
Check is a flat out number of a populace or statistic occasion <em>happening in a predefined time and spot</em>. - essential enrollment frameworks, authoritative records, a few nations don't have these records, <em>so you should locate an alternate method to get information for example a yearly study.</em>
Water vapor argon carbon dioxide
Need for raw materials because of the plentiful amount that is in Africa, such as gold, diamonds, wood, and coal.
northern hemisphere
the eqautor is split between the earth and it is on the northern hemisphere