First thing to do, when you have to add 2 fractions, you have to make both denominators equal. 14/6 = 0.84, so can't multiply or divide any fraction by a whole number to get the other denominator. So, you multiply each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction. Which means that you multiply 5/14 by the denominator of 1/6 which is 6, and you multiply 1/6 by the denominator of 5/14 which is 14. 5/14 + 1/6 = 30/84 + 14/84 Then you join both fractions to make them under one denominator, since both denominators are equal. 30/84 + 14/84 = (30+14)/84 = 44/84. Now, you need to simplify the fraction: you divide both numerator and denominator by 4: 44/84 = 11/21