Archaeologists and Anthropologists
the legislative, executive and judicial branches
Map shows when the states ratified<span> the </span>19th amendment<span> to the U.S. Constitution giving women the right to vote. The </span>approval<span> of thirty-six </span>states<span> was</span>needed to ratify<span> the </span>amendment<span>; Tennessee became the thirty-sixth on August 18, </span>1920<span>, fourteen months after Congress </span>had passed<span> it.</span>
Uk, as Greece does already.
Mr. Butler says that the Great Depression affected him more than the Civil War because for him it the end of the country of the opportunities. For him the most heartbraking things were the thousands of people living on the streets with no job, no home, no food, the schools and churches being transformed into refuges for thousans of people. This were the matters that really affected him instead of the war itself.