<span>bone, water, muscle, connective tissue, organ tissues, teeth ... separates the body into fat mass,fat-free mass, mineral content, and water .... tissue into fat and lean components to asses regional body composition ... BMI, Waist hip ratio, skin folds ... using a persons height and weight to determine their healthy body weight.</span><span>
The agent responsible for the condition of the boy is Phencyclidine (PCP).
Phencyclidine is also commonly referred to as angel dust. The drug causes mind-altering effects. Some of the effects of the drug include distorted sound perception, hallucinations, hyperactivity, violent behavior etc.
It is a recreational drug and can be taken through the mouth, smoked, or injected into the body system. .
Since the boy appears euphoric, emotionally labile, disoriented and has hypersalivation, then this is the effect of taking Phencyclidine.
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People who are addicted to drugs often cause withdrawal symptoms while trying to quit, this causes the addict to simply start using the dtug again.
Heart disease is the leading cause of both men and women in the U.S
Eternity is like a deep dark hole that your falling through the problem is it is endless you keep falling and falling and you never stop falling.
How is that?