President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Bill into law on August 14, 1935, only 14 months after sending a special message to Congress on June 8, 1934, that promised a plan for social insurance as a safeguard "against the hazards and vicissitudes of life." The 32-page Act was the culmination of work begun by the Committee on Economic Security (CES), created by the President on June 29, 1934, and became, as he said at the signing ceremony, "a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means complete.
Code of Cinithis.................
- Composition of the Reconstruction Governments
After the north won the war, the president requires the southern states to fill a certain amount of Quota for Minorities to fill in the Government representative seat.
-- Many northern citizens move to the southern side after the war and bringing northern ideology with them.
Wary of Strong National Government
That said, during its short lifespan, the Articles of Confederation became increasingly ineffective at governing the continually growing American states. The main cause of this ineffectiveness stemmed from a lack of a strong, central government.
The answer is Authoritarianism