When I trace something I normally printout the picture and put it on top of a light box then tape it to the corners so it's secured in place. After I have done that I place a blank piece of paper above it and start tracing. Use pencil first though!
You can’t? You have to do it, it’s your feelings. Just search us on how to write a song and put your emotions in it.
If I were to chose one of the main characters I would choose Dorthy because she seems so motivated to change the world into a better place. In the beginning she wants to leave her simple/ordinary life behind for a better, more colorful life. During the end, all she wants is to go back home because this better, more colorful life is very stressful and action filled. She reminds me of myself, I want a different life than what I already have but when I sleep over at one of my friend's house, it just seems so weird compared to mine and all I want to do is go back home.
Because one is for the winner of each then plays the losing semi-finalist in their half of the draw
Marlene chose the Greeks.
The Greeks were the culture that uses lavish perfumes and cosmetics in their religion rituals and who apply kohl to their eyes and vermillion their cheeks and lips.