<u>According </u>to nationalists, a nation-state’s government should be chosen by that nation-state.
Thus, the correct option is (D).
Nationalism makes people who are having a common identity to detach from the other groups. They thought that nationalism is very much needed in order to remove any oppresion caused by others. They desired to have their own state and they want the state itself to chose their own government. They didn't want others to get involved in their ruling.
It is often termed as collective egotism. It often unites people and create their own identity but eventually it leads to war and conflict with others. The most important types of nationalism are religious, cultural and ethnic nationalism. Nationalism often leads to destruction in the past days.
Eastern bloc
In 1946 Stalin placed tight restrictions on countries in the "EASTERN BLOC"
The purpose of placing tight restrictions is to control the area following the aftermath of world war II. He was able to do this by using the Soviet Union red army to control the activities of the countries in Eastern Bloc such as Poland, East Germany, Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary.
Civil liberties protect us from government power. They are rooted in the Bill of Rights, which limits the powers of the federal government. The government cannot take away the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights, and any action that encroaches on these liberties is illegal.
hope this helped
Gold, spices, and rich crops.
c) forma de organização social que fomentou o patriarcalismo e a miscigenação.
Esse desenho retratava a organização espacial das propriedades no Brasil colonial e ele foi estabelecido dessa forma para reforçar as ideias de ordem patriarcal e hierarquia social que estimulava as ideias de desvalorização do escravo negro, enquanto valorizava o senhor da propriedade e as pessoas de traços físicos europeus. Por esse motivo, a casa grande ficava no centro do tereno, reforçando a ideia de controle e superioridade dos cidadãos brancos, enquanto as demais instalações ficavam nos lugares mais perifericos do terrreno.
Obs: Perguntas em português devem ser postadas no campo "world languagens" porque esse é o servidor americano e não o servidor brasileiro, caso contrario a sua pergunta corre o risco de ser excluída.