1. Encouraging Secularism
2. Integration of cultural values
3. Developing the economy.
4. Education.
5. Passing laws that promote national integration and deal firmly with agents of disunity.
6. The use of mass media to promote peace and tolerance.
National integrity is defined as the togetherness, and closeness that exist among people, regardless of their religion, skin color, personal belief, etc.
There are different ways to maintain national integrity and some of them include: investing in education, encouraging Secularism, developing the economy, etc.
The Southwest Trail
Southwest Trail crosses the Arkansas River on U.S. Route 70, through Little Rock to Arkansas Highway 5 through Bryant and Benton to U.S. Route 70, then Arkansas Highway 229 to U.S. Route 67.
Research study related physical and mental disorder
Answer: I don’t know haha sorry
b. social desirability effect
The social desirability effect is defined as the tendency to convey a culturally acceptable image in accordance with social norms and may bias the evaluation of various parameters in scientific research, especially self-reported ones, by leading participants to provide answers that believe they are socially accepted and avoid being associated with socially disapproved opinions or behaviors
Based on this concept, we can conclude that the fact that survey respondents overreport voting in elections and the frequency of their church attendance is an example of the social desirability effect.