pretty sure it was large, whether or not it was ill prepared to fight is up for debate. It's been a few years since I revised this, but I'm pretty sure that during the Schleiffen plan the German army relied on the Russians being too slow to defend themselves, however they were quicker than expected? due to this and the sheer size of the army itself I would say d, large and well prepared to fight. They were large enough that even if they were awful in combat they would still be a force to be reckoned with, as they could afford to supply men after men without running out, unlike the German army.
Marco polo returned to Venus after 24 years and wrote a book of his journeys called travels a Marco Polo
It was used to describe the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of Italin Renasissance and the age of exploration.
Answer: C. They declared that the colonies were in a state of rebellion.
Question: The first committee started in Charleston, South Carolina, and more were created in other colonies except New England. When the Second Continental Congress created an official army, how did the British respond?
Explanation: In the 1770s, colonists had become dissatisfied with the British authorities due to severe taxes and lack of representation in the Parliament. In 1775, the second continental congress met and decided to go to war. They created an army under the command of George Washington.
Despite the vote passing, some members of the Congress did not like the idea of independence and worked to maintain good relations with King George III but by then the king had declared that the colonies were in a state of rebellion.
If you mean the Patriots from the Revolution, they were very determined to fight against the British and win. They wanted independence because the British were abusive.
If you mean the NFL team, New England Patriots, their greatest strength is cheating and deflating the football to rig the game.