Premack principle
The premack principle states that am individual will engage in less probable behaviour so that he can engage in more probable behavior. In essence the more probable behaviour or activity reinforces the less probable behaviour or activity. Parents use this very often to make their children engage in more positive and beneficial activities by making them do those beneficial activities first before doing their(the child) preferred activities. This is shown in the above example where a mother tells her child not to play until she finishes her homework. The child would therefore do her homework so that she can play.
to aquire the proper Currency for that Country he/she would need in order to purchase goods/products
its common sense
A study routine is the answer
US fire administration
In 1974, Congress approved the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act to bring an end to the losses incurred by the fire. U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and the National Fire Academy (NFA) were created under this act. Many actions were taken to save lives and property from destruction. The act has helped in the reduction of deaths caused by fire and prevention of property.