because someone needs to speak up for woman rights as u may recall lowell system when woman "revolted" and wanted to be equal and have equal pay if men wont stick up for female we have to stick up for our self not only that but how woman get treated as a toy and yes someone like taht but most people dont like getting toched were hands shouldnt
be plus woman get less pay then men
Nightmares-awaken during REM sleep, occur during any sleep stages, increase in times of high stress
night terrors-sudden arousal from sleep and intense fear, occur during stage 4, physiological reactions include rapid heart rate, screaming, sweating, causes from stress in life, fever, and sleep deprivation, and treatment is sleeping in routine sleep and wake times and in a safe environment
A. .They encouraged people to return to traditional values.
Not the first one because that's not a group
Collective Bargaining isn't a group either
Communism is a form of government it does not protect workers
<u><em>Labor Unions, they are a group and they were created for the purpose of protecting workers</em></u>