An email is a digital message sent electronically from one computer to one or more other computers. Emails are flexible and can be used for giving instructions, serving as documentation, providing confirmation, communicating rules and procedures, making recommendations, providing a status update, making an inquiry.
Your question has been up too long, a moderator may have to delete it.
we will contact moderators to find your question and remove it, and hopefully, they will refund the points, which is not up to me.
<span>thank you for using brainly.</span>
Its a good game but an amazing show. 10/10
class PersonInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.num_kids = 0
def inc_num_kids(self):
self.num_kids += 1
person1 = PersonInfo()
print('Kids:', person1.num_kids)
print('New baby, kids now:', person1.num_kids)
Line 1 of the code, we define the class PersonInfo. Line 3 of the code is the function that will increment the member data num_kids.
The correct answer is known as a "query".
When you ask a lot of complex questions , which uses comparison operators, that is called a query. A query refers to the <span>exact request for </span>data retrieval<span> with the use of database and information systems. </span>