I would have made a treaty with them stating that the reservations werent need they could have moved to a different part of their land and they could have avoided the violence.
Le Thanh Tong, the greatest ruler of the Later Le dynasty (q.v.; 1428–1788) in Vietnam. ... Home Politics, Law & Government World Leaders Emperors & Empresses ... in 1460, Le Thanh Tong divided the empire into 13 circuits (similar to Chinese ... following the practices of the Chinese Ming dynasty (1368–1644), hortatory ...
Around 1949. When the Axis Capitulated and lost the war, Europe was divided and one half became proxy states, part of the Warsaw Pact. This Large Buildup of Soviet Power caused the US to be Highly suspicious of Communists and communism, which seemed to only Seek power over the West.
Fields of science, field of cemetery,drugs,