She floated around the room so easily she
could be Phileas Fogg - Allusion
She floated around the room like a balloon - Simile
She floated around the room, moving in no
specific direction - Metaphor.
A similar is used when comparing something to another. A sentence bearing a simile is identified by the presence of "like" or "as"
This is shown in the answer above where a lady's movement was compared to a balloon floating.
A metaphor is also used in comparison but this time directly. The quality given to the subject may not necessarily be true.
In the example above, the lady was described as floating "floated around the room..." Also notice that people do not necessarily float but in this case her movement was directly described as floating.
Allusion is used to make reference to objects, persons, places or even events.
In the example above, the ladies movement was not only described as floating but Phileas Fogg was used in reference to it.
“Hey” I yelled in an exited voice “ look what I found!” It was a white necklace, but what were those beads? I picked it up, they were hollow and small, rubbing it around in my hand realizing it was pearls. “ I found a pearl necklace!” These things are worth fortunes. I decided to sell it so I drove myself to a pawn shop. For some reason I don’t know why I wanted to taste them, “they seem fine enough” I said aloud. Swishing then in my mouth noticing how weird they feel but how nice they taste, I took it out of my mouth and set the necklace down. Half an hour later nearly to the shop it started smelling really bad. I pulled over so I could search my car, nothing. “ what is this horrible smell?” While I was looking around the car a cop pulled over. He started to say “Hey you need help?” But stopped dead sentence when he got to my car. He picked up the necklace and smelt it. “ why would you own such a horrid smelling thing?” I snatched it from him and had a sniff for my self. “That’s what smells bad!” I said in relief “but why does it smell so bad?” The officer offered to take me to the shop since my car smelt so bad he about threw up. Turns out it was somehow washed up from a thousand years ago and worth hundreds of millions.
Your question is incomplete because you have not provided the answer options, which are:
subject/verb agreement
pronoun reference
Parallelism refers to the use of similar grammatical structure among sentences in a text, so that the sentences and clauses are built in an almost identical grammatical construction. In that matter, parallelism actually involves a balance of different grammatical categories; for instance:
<em>My cat Greta enjoys sleeping on my bed, eating all the time and hunting bugs in the garden. In the same way, my dog Pepa loves taking long naps, waiting to be fed and going for walks.</em>
Thus, both sentences are written with the same structure: subject plus verbs followed by gerunds with <em>-ing</em>.
You would use a colon.
A colon must be used in a quotation if the sentence that precedes it is an independent clause or the quote itself is a complete sentence.