One of the biggest historical events leading to the formation of the US government was Enlightenment ideas stemming from Europe. The writings of Montesquieu and Locke were particularly important to how the US was framed as a system of branches and individual freedoms. The goal was to give states power to make decisions individual to their people and region and keep larger matters like war, debt, taxes, etc. to the federal government. The initial amendments in the Constitution referred to as the Bill of Rights addressed specific issues the American people dealt with under British rule. For example, amendment 4 addresses the quartering of soldiers the colonists were required to do following the French and Indian War. The 10th amendment specifically gives rights to the states if it is not explicitly addressed in the Constitution for the federal government. This was to prevent a monarchy and/or dictatorship in the future. <span />
The answer is The national government and states share power.
In a Federal system of governance, power is decentralised and is distributed to the state governments from the central government. Central.government holds thee majority of the powers yet the state governments possess significant powers and rights as well.
The security officer of the Atomic Energy Com-mission (AEC) rejected Graham.• Graham joined Communist front and subver-sive organizations during the 1930s and 1940s,such as the American Committee for Democ-racy and Intellectual Freedom, and was hon-orary president for the Southern Conference forHuman Welfare.•They charge that he joined leftist organizations,but not that he was a Communist