In 'I Dwell in Possibility', by Emily Dckinson, the author compares her vocation as poet to prose, through a metaphor of the two as houses.
She feels poetry as an open and ilimeted house, whereas she sees prose as limeted and enclosed.
She also relates poetry to leaving in freedom in nature and prose to be like living in cage.
Reading Plus Level G is a web-based reading method with a reading level with the practice of remembering some specified vocabulary.
<em>The web displays a picture of a garden, so the reader looks for the purpose of the picture. Namely the word "garden".
<h2>Further explanation
Reading Plus is a web-based reading method that uses technology and provides several reading exercises to practice reading skills and improve understanding, and vocabulary.
The Reading Plus method also aims to improve memory, endurance, and reading fluency. And can read to a higher level of text.
Reading is the activity of receiving, analyzing, and interpreting ones
done by the reader to obtain the message to be conveyed by the author in the media writing.
In terms of linguistics reading is a process of encoding and discussion of codes, different from speaking and writing which actually involves encoding. An aspect of decoding is the linking of written words with the meaning of oral language (oral language meaning) which includes changing the writing / print into meaningful sound.
<em>Types of reading from the aspect of its activities
- Reading aloud
. Hard reading is a reading activity that emphasizes the accuracy of sound, rhythm, fluency, attention to
- punctuation. Reading activities like this are also called "technical reading" activities.
- Read in the Heart
. Reading in the Heart is a reading activity that aims to gain understanding, both the main points and the details. Physically reading silently must avoid vocalization, repetition of reading, using index / hint or head movement.
- Fast reading
. Namely reading that does not emphasize understanding the details of the contents of the reading, but only understanding the points. This reading can be done by grinding your eyes with certain patterns.
- Recreational Reading
. Namely reading activities that aim to foster interest and love of reading; usually reading material is taken from short stories and novels.
- Analytic Reading
. Namely reading activities that aim to find information from written material; link one incident with other events, draw conclusions that are not written explicitly in the reading.
Learn more
about reading techniques
reading plus
Class : Middle School
Subjects : English
Keywords : Reading Plus, reading techniques, written
Dear (name of friend),
How are you? I hope you are doing fine. I am writing this letter to apologise about the fact that I spilled water on your project work. I know how much effort you have put into this project, even if you didn't too much or did much, I want to tell you how sorry I am. I hope you will forgive me for what I did and I won't do it again.
(Your name)
I don't know if this is for an assignment or anything, but here's my response. :-)
Twelve and three hundred seventy five thousandth
John, though at first hesitant, is able to admit to his past faults and confess in order to show Abigails lies. It shows the audience his bravery and courage, knowing if he involves himself he to will be accused. However, he is willing to risk this to put down the reputation of Abigail, and also dies so his friends won't have to die alone.