national news means the whole country news and local news means the particular place news.
D Have somebody had a chance to inspect the garage?
1) The wrong sentence is D. In that case you don't need the possessive pronoum YOUR because what you need is a personal pronoun. YOU'RE is the correct form. However, as it is a question, the most suitable position for the pronoun is after the verb to be.
2) The incorrect sentence is C. In that case you need the pronoun THERE because the verb comes before its subject.
3) The incorrect sentence is D. In that sentence a personal pronoun +verb to be is needed. As it is talking about the weather the correct way is IT'S. The possessive adjective or possessive pronoun (its) is not correct for that context.
4) The wrong pronoun is in sentence B. When the sentence starts with the preposition TO you need the pronoun WHOM. The preposition can also be at the end of the sentence.
The author is explaining how the treasure is important and has a key impact , divine means lovely and angelic showing it has meaning.
yes because everyone has a right to the skatepark