A proxy war by definition is "A war instigated by a major power but itself does not get involved" I know the U.S got involved in Korea. Vietnam and had to help the British keep control during the Greek civil war so I'd go with Afghanistan since the U.S only supplied insurgent groups with weaponry and did not challenge the USSR openly.
Gestalt psychologist and cognitive psychologist
Gestalt psychology was originated by Wertheimer, Kohler, and Koffa. The principle of gestalt psychologist was there is whole the behavior is not described by its elements, it describe as a whole.
<u>Major Gestalt psychologist was:
- Max Wertheimer
- Kurt Koffa
- Wolfgang Kohler
<u>Cognitive psychologist:
A cognitive psychologist is a mental health professionalism. who seek to understand the nature of human being's emotions, thought, feeling.
- Jean Piaget
- george Miller
- Albert bandura
The answer is temperament.
Temperament consists of the differences in behavior related to a person. These differences are biological and they are not related to learning, a system of values or attitudes. Some researchers make a relationship between temperament and some dynamic characteristics concerning behavior. It includes energetic aspects, plasticity, as well as emotionality.
Temperament traits like Neuroticism or Sociability are usually studied in children. Temperament is mainly related to children but some researches have shown that it is something common concerning lifespan.
B. moles or marks on the body
Witchcraft was the period of panic and hysteria in the 17th century and often regarded as most captivating chapters of American history. In North America, young girls started having mysterious screaming fits and on diagnosis, it was revealed that the girls have been bewitched. This began the dramatic and strange search for witches. However, witch hunters started looking for devil marks or witch marks on suspected women bodies. Witch marks included the variety of skin lesions such as red, blue, brown lesions or many time unusual moles and outlines.
Serafina and the Black Cloak is fantasy novel in historical fiction setting written by Robert Beatty.
<u>This novel is about Serafina, a young adult who along with her friend is trying to find a man in the Black Cloak wh</u>o is responsible for the disappearance of many people in the neighborhood.
The story of the protagonist and the antagonist eventually becomes an ideological one however as the antagonist's motivations are cleared.
<u>While Serafina is towards the lawful side of things, the antagonist believes that chaos can be an instrument for the pursuit of truth.</u>