We don't need to worry- is it a simple sentence?*******
In his letter to President Eisenhower dated back to May 13, 1958, Jackie Robinson addressed the issue regarding black civil rights. He expressed his frustrations on Eisenhower's lack of support for upholding black civil rights at that time and he moved to fight for Federal support on these rights.
The scientists are working to find a cure
This question is incomplete. I assume that you need to find the word that fits with that description. The word you are looking for is Theme.
Literary themes refer to the main idea or the content of the literary work, regardless of gender. That is, the great themes, love, hate, death ... of literary works are treated equally in theater, poetry, narrative, etc.
It is a concept similar to that of the "artistic theme" in any art other than literature. Therefore, when we speak of literary themes, we refer to the matters dealt with in poems, poetry books, novels, plays, stories, etc.
B. What is reasonable
If it is based on opinion or what you expect then it would be subjective and not true evidence