The Conservative Response: Let the Economy Stabilize
A conservative is someone who cherishes and seeks to preserve traditional customs and values. For conservatives in the 1930s, these values included self-reliance, individual responsibility, and personal liberty. Conservatives tend to prefer the status quo, or current conditions, to abrupt changes. They accept change, but only in moderation. Depression-era conservatives opposed large governmental efforts to effect change, which they felt challenged their values.
As the Depression worsened, conservatives resisted calls for radical changes to the free enterprise system. Left alone, they argued, the economy would soon stabilize and then begin to improve.
Some economists supported conservatives’ hands-off approach. They insisted that economic downturns and periods of low economic activity—known as panics—were normal. They were part of the business cycle, a pattern in which economic growth is followed by decline, panic, and finally recovery. These lows were natural in a capitalist economy, economists argued. They noted that good times followed even the severe panics of the 1870s and 1890s. The economy would also recover from this severe period.
At the start of the Depression, many Americans shared this outlook. Most preferred to suffer in silence rather than admit they needed help. But as the Depression progressed, people ran short of food and fuel. Many had no choice but to seek aid. Conservatives insisted that charities take on the growing task of providing basic necessities to the needy. If government had to step in, they argued, it should be local governments’ responsibility to care for their own.
Nathaniel Bacon was a colonist of Virginia Colony and he was known for instigating the Bacon's rebellion that ended when he himself died.
He led a rebellion against the wealthy land owners of Virginia in 1676 because he resented the Virginia's governor's friendly policies towards native Americans. Bacon was helping the African Americans as they endured attacks by natives and the Governor, William Berkeley refused to retaliate against the native attackers.
Yes, the answer is D) to control all German-speaking nations. Hope this helps anyone out there. :)
2. The expanse of Islamic trade had a direct result on the spread of the Islam religion. Traders brought their religion to West Africa where Islam quickly spread throughout the region. Areas in the far east such as Malaysia and Indonesia also became Muslim through traders and Islamic Sufis.
1. Islam came to the Southeast Asia, first by the way of Muslim traders along the main trade-route between Asia and the Far East, then was further spread by Sufi orders and finally consolidated by the expansion of the territories of converted rulers and their communities.
An enslaved person is a human being who is made to be a slave. This language is often used instead of the word slave, to refer to the person and their experiences and to avoid the use of dehumanising language.
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