Forgiveness is a sign of Civilisation. Under the right circumstances, we are all capable of the most heinous crimes. To employ a good vs evil dichotomy is unhelpful here. By and large criminals are driven to crime due to a bad hand in life, be t poor education, poor parenting, abuse, poor role models, mental health issues, drug addictions etc. Rehabilitation and reintegration into society is important and civilised. Let us never throw another human being onto the proverbial dust heap. With the right help, people can leave crime behind them.
but no
Keep coming back People in the prison system are just going to go back out into our society and take advantage of our "second chance" mindset. If we stiffen sentences and put professional criminals on death row, we will cut back on those who plague our society. Also prisons must be harsher, meaner and harder on criminals to remind them that this is not a place for relaxation. We should bring back the chain gangs and work them to exhaustion. They should not get any "recreational time" and should be unable to socialize. We should also make sure that death row is sped up so we can add new inmates.
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