Bernard ignores the conversation because he knows his fate would be sealed even more if he spoke up.
In the conversation between Mond, John and Helmholtz he knows that Mond will have the upper hand and anything that Bernard might say about what he was willing to do against the new society by reading the texts and organizing people who fail even further.
So he stays silent and only talks up to beg Mond to reduce his sentence for his crime of doing it but his friends had until them pretty much spilled the beans and had engaged in a discussion about the things they were doing.
will you be my valentine?
I have loved you since I was nine
You are like my sunshine.
I love you with my whole heart.
We cannot be apart.
I know you dont like me
Can we restart?
I think it would be smart.
I will take you to walmart.
I hope you see
Everytime i see you my heart gets bouncy
Lets go get some coffee.
maybe we can talk things over.
I hope you feel the same.
A.Yes. It is never appropriate to use someone else's words as your own.
Where are the answer options? I can't answer the question without knowing what the answer options are...
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Fantasy and supernatural.
- William Wordsworth: Healing power of nature.
- William Blake: Mysticism and spirituality.
- Thomas Gray: Aspirations and potential of all human beings.
The Romantic period was a literary movement that arose as a reaction to the Enlightenment. While the Enlightenment emphasized concepts such as logic and reason, the Romantics attempted to rescue those "human" traits that were less remarked upon. They focused on the individual, the magical, the supernatural, the traditional and the emotional. All of these writers contributed, in different ways, to this period.