Catholics blah blah blah blah
Output increases with less labor because: Capital and technology increases.
After industrialisation, many lands underwent the usage of secondary sectors and feudal society decreases gradually. Feudal lords lost their power and middle class people emerges as the prestigious people in the society. Industrialisation leads to the decrease in the labour in agriculture but production increases because of the capital infusion in agriculture and due to the arrival of new technology. Demand of food products never dropped as they increases simultaneously with the population hence the increase in capital along with the new technology increases the food production across many countries around the world.
King Philip II of Spain was, personality-wise, less cautious than Elizabeth I of England. He sought a more active foreign policy, in part because he had to, since he was not only a king, but the emperor of a huge Spanish Empire that included territories all over the world.
King Philip was a devout catholic who saw himself as a defender of the Pope, and as a leader of the counter-reformation. His anti-protestanism was one of his motivations for invading England in 1588.
Elizabeth I was more reserved, in part because he did not have as much power as Philip II. She was the king of a small island-country, not the empress of a transoceanic empire. She was relatively tolerant of other religiouns while being anglican herself.
She did not had a lot military success until the Anglo-English war when her army defeated the Spanish Armada.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La explicación del texto "Somos integrantes de una sociedad, formamos parte de la cultura. Crecemos y nos educamos en ella y a la vez, contribuimos a construirla y modificarla," sería la siguiente.
Somos ciudadanos de un país que está formado por una diversidad de etnias y formas de pensar, unidos por un mismo concepto de soberanía que significa la capacidad de crear un gobierno autónomo e independiente de cualquier influencia exterior, representado básicamente por el territorio, la forma de gobierno y nosotros los ciudadanos.
Nosotros como ciudadanos formamos la cultura del país por medio de nuestro sistema de creencias, valores, costumbres, lenguaje y tradiciones. Eso es lo que nos hace ser un país único ante el mundo, a pesar de que al interior existan diversas formas de pensar, de acuerdo a nuestros orígenes.
El que pueden ejercer su libre derecho a elegir su propia forma de gobierno y a sus gobernantes, para convertirse en estados democráticos en donde se respete la ley. Crecemos en esta cultura que ha sido heredada por nuestros padres y nosotros la heredaremos a nuestros hijos. A nosotros nos toca seguir construyendo esa identidad y cultura para perfeccionarla.
Appointing african americans to government positions