<span>Other countries wouldn't allow them and they didn't have access to needed materials</span>
The defintionton of weather is when the state of the atmospthere is at a place of heat, dryness, sunshine, wetness, rain, wind, cold
<u>Opinion on the statement "Antagonism arose among the conquered nomadic tribes of the Xiongnu":</u>
The Xiongnu made civil war in monastic nomadic existence in the second and third decades B.C.E. when they created a much more unified and patriarchal democratic system than for the monastic societies of the old days.
By the 1960s, it became evident that, amid irregular antagonism, farm workers and portable agriculturalists were involved in a mutually beneficial relationship. Moreover, groups keep switching between nomadism and sedentism, based in part on the strength of the centralized authority.
In the 1970s, Rowton used the terminology "attached nomadism" and "genetically determined chiefdom" to show the type of social structure distinctive of old Mari, "which reflects a curious mixture of town-state, clan, and nomadism”.
In the coming years, archaeologists, astrologists, and scholars extended this deeper understanding of nomadic revivals to physically active society to the study of the origins of advanced monastic nomadism.
Washington responded by sending peace commissioners to western Pennsylvania to negotiate with the rebels, while at the same time calling on governors to send a militia force to enforce the tax.
Since the 1970s, there has been an income inequality in America.
The years from the end of World War II into the 1970s were ones of strong economic growth and prosperity. At the beginning of the 1970s, economic growth reduced, and the income gap increased.
Income inequality has risen steadily among all Americans since the 1970s. In the late 1970s, tax changes, federal monetary policies, deregulation, de-unionization, and other policies reduced wages and employment. Income among the middle and lower parts decreased sharply, while incomes at the top extended to grow strongly.