There are four parts to property rights are namely the right to use the good, the right to transfer the good to others, the right to enforcement of property rights, and the right to earn income from the good
Option C
Property rights are abstract and legally regulated legal buildings for deciding which property or economic goods are used and held. Property rights may be owned by (and therefore belong to) individuals, organizations, collectives. This characteristic comprises four wide elements and is frequently called a bundle of rights.
- The right to make use of the good
- The right to earn an income from the good
- The right to transfer the good to someone else, change it, give up it or destroy it (the right to cease ownership)
- The right to implement property rights.
Throughout economics, the land is normally considered to be owned by an asset or good (rights on the income obtained from property). In fact, several economists argue that ownership rights must be fixed and relations between other parties represented in order to be more efficient
The correct answer is D. One, what goods and services will be produced? Two, how will the goods and services be produced? Three, who will receive the goods and services produced?
There are two questions in particular that summarize the reason for the economy:
• How do elections determine what, how and for whom goods and services are produced?
• At what point are choices made in pursuit of personal interest promoting social interest?
What, how and for whom?
Goods and services are the objects that people value and produce to meet their needs.
What? It determines the goods and services that are produced as well as the amount that is produced from each good and service.
How? Goods and services are produced using what economists call production factors.
The factors of production are the resources that companies use to produce goods and services. These factors fall into four categories:
• Earth
• Job
• Capital