The 4 events that occur during amoeba are:-
- It sees the food particle.Then by pseudopodia (the finger like projections from amoeba) traps the food particle.
- The finger-like extensions of the cell surface fuse over the food particle forming a food vacuole.
- Inside the food vacuole, complex foods are broken down into simpler ones which then diffuse into the cytoplasm.
- The remaining undigested material is moved to the surface of the cell and thrown out. [Egestion].
Bacterial count in stock- 1.85x10^6 cfu/ml
Dilution methods
Take 100 uL or (0.1ml) from stock and add to 900ul (0.9ml) saline and mixed it- this makes 10^1dilution.
Now take 100ul from 10^1 dilution and add to next 900ul saline this is 10^2 dilution, similarly do upto 10^5 dilution.
Then take 100ul from 10^ 4 and 10^5 dilution seperately and plate on LB agar plate seperetely and count the colonies.
Cfu/ml formula= (No.of colonies x dilution factor)/0.1 ml
So suppose, 18 colonies formed on 10^4 dilution then total no. Of cells in stock will be 18x10^4/ 0.1= 18x10^5 cfu/ml.
If we dilute 10^4 or 10^5 that's leads to colony count of 18-19 colonies on 10^4 dilution while 2 colonies should come on plate of 10^5 dilution.
Fossils give information about the time period in which organisms lived in the past.
Biologists attempt to answer questions about the living world.