I'm not in law school, but...
Bail is basically when court says than give me some deposit so I know you ain't running away. In essence it's a guarantee by someone that during the time they bail you, you won't escape.
(Don't know hot to make it longer)
The United Kingdom (UK) constitution, being an unwritten one, relies on its Parliamentary sovereignty and rule of law to retain its authority in governing its four counterparts, namely England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. A constitution would provide for the establishment of various institutions of the State, regulation of relations between each institution and relations between the institutions and the citizens. The doctrine of separation of power is then introduced to regulate the constitution for more efficient check and balance of the governing minority. Aforementioned concept is particularly unique in the unwritten nature of the UK constitution as powers of each institution, the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, are not codified nor listed on a tangible code of document that separation of power is diluted with a series of shared powers between each institution. Bound by conventions and ministerial responsibilities, coupled with recent reforms done to the UK constitution, occurrence of events involving an institution empowering over another is minimal albeit not having strict separation of powers.
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Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our general safety.