As for this problem of true or false, the most probable answer the most likely one to be the correct answer would be A. True.
In Microsoft Word, or commonly referred to as MS Word, or simply Word itself as what is utilized in the problem, the program has the ability to recognize in spelling and grammar. When a red wavy underline is present, the word or words above it are usually wrong in spelling. Though this can be corrected by the user by adding the word in the dictionary so as not to be corrected in the future. The green one would be more about grammar. The blue wavy underline would indicate a word spelled correctly, but might be misused in the sentence it belongs. This usually happens to words that are almost identical in spelling like too and to.
Hello <span>Sydney2640 </span><span>
Answer: To specify grouping and sorting for a report, click the group-and-sort button on the design tab in layout view.
Hope this helps
The answer is D. The colors that we see are all being reflected.
Computer can be classified into four categories based on size namely Micro, Mini, Mainframe and Super computer
Step by step explanation along with code and output is provided below
using namespace std;
// print_seconds function that takes three input arguments hours, mints, and seconds. There are 60*60=3600 seconds in one hour and 60 seconds in a minute. Total seconds will be addition of these three
void print_seconds(int hours, int mints, int seconds)
int total_seconds= hours*3600 + mints*60 + seconds;
cout<<"Total seconds are: "<<total_seconds<<endl;
// test code
// user inputs hours, minutes and seconds and can also leave any of them by entering 0 that will not effect the program. Then function print_seconds is called to calculate and print the total seconds.
int main()
int h,m,s;
cout<<"enter hours if any or enter 0"<<endl;
cout<<"enter mints if any or enter 0"<<endl;
cout<<"enter seconds if any or enter 0"<<endl;
return 0;
enter hours if any or enter 0
enter mints if any or enter 0
enter seconds if any or enter 0
Total seconds are: 8710