Eh. neutral but id do like anime sub reading and typing games lol
The only ones that apply are:
The FCC created the doctrine to make sure that broadcast networks met their obligation to the public by giving time to viewpoints other than their own and those they agreed with.
The FCC created the doctrine to keep broadcast media from being too one-sided and assure that all viewpoints received equal opportunity in the media.
The Fairness Doctrine (1949–1987) is a policy developed by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) which required licensed radio and television broadcasters to cover controversial issues of interest to their communities, including by devoting equal airtime to opposing points of view.
Hoodwinked means to deceive or trick (someone).
"The magician hoodwinked the crowd"
Answer: 3
Explanation: 75% of 4 is the equation. The answer is 3
Ok, I'm going to give this a shot.
It was 3 o clock when they walked in and saw him lying dead on the floor. There was no evidence for the police to find, just a middle-aged man dead in a hotel room at the Roulexxe. Of course, the media was abuzz, the Roulexxe was shut down, and everyone was in an uproar. After a month, the police declared the case closed and the hotel safe. And, when they made the grand re-opening of the Roulexxe, it was 3 o clock that they found another dead body. The public was now panicking. The hotel was too, for they thought that they were going to have to shut down. The police declared the case reopened and investigated even further. But it was to no avail. There was nothing. Just two dead bodies found at 3 o clock in the Roulexxe. Everyone began to distrust the famous Roulexxe hotel and began going to a different one, called Le Champion. And, it was 3 o clock when a maid walked in on a dead body at Le Champion.