All nonspecific defenses provide the body with general protection against foreign invaders. fevers may also slow down reproduction of bacteria and viruses. kind of only one advantage i could find. hope this helps.
The human reproductive system is different in males and females. When a sperm and egg join, the egg is fertilised and a baby starts to develop. Its mother provides all a baby’s needs until it is born.Fertilisation happens when an egg cell meets with a sperm cell and joins with it. The fertilised egg divides to form a ball of cells called an embryo. The embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus. It begins to develop into a fetus and finally into a baby.The mother’s lifestyle can affect the developing fetus. For example, smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream. This can lead to low birth weight and premature birth (when a baby is born too soon). Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm the developing baby’s nervous system, especially its brain.
It takes about 40 weeks for a baby to develop in the uterus. This time is called gestation. After this, the baby is ready to be born. The cervix relaxes and muscles in the wall of the uterus contract. Waves of muscle contraction push the baby out of the mother's body through the vagina.
"The origin of a muscle is attached to the bone that does NOT move" is true among the following statements.
The origin and insertion of an attachment are the points of attachment. When a muscle contracts, the point of attachment known as the origin remains stationary. As a result, when contraction occurs, the origin bone is the more immobile of the two bones at the joint.
Skeletal muscles have two or more points of attachment to bone, or occasionally to other muscles or tissues. The attachment is said to as having an origin if the location is a bone that is stationary during an action. The attachment is referred to be an insertion if the location is on the bone that moves during the motion.
The triceps brachii has four places of attachment: three origins and one insertion on the ulna (two on the humerus and one on the scapula).
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