The reason why the Americans wanted to remain neutral and not take sides in the growing conflicts in Europe is because we simply didn't want to get in war that isn't our fight neither want to send troops to Europe and fight over there and waist tax payers money instead use it and others ways. Its like two people arguing because usually people let the other two argue and dont interfere because they dont want to get caught up in it and its not their problem.
There are several ways in which the U.S. increased western settlement in the 1800's, but by far the most important action was the creation of the Homestead Act.
Answer:In many ways, the coming of the Civil War challenged the ideology of Victorian domesticity that had defined the lives of men and women in the antebellum era. In the North and in the South, the war forced women into public life in ways they could scarcely have imagined a generation before.
I want to say its C, but Im not sure