Abram era un hombre muy fiel a Dios, el mas fiel do todos. Dios uso a Abram para que su descendencia fuera de miles de millones de descendientes y entre esos esta el gran rey David, y el mismo messias Jesus.
En Genesis 15:5 Dios le dice esto a Abram, "... y le dijo: Mira ahora los cielos, y cuenta las estrellas, si las puedes contar. Y le dijo: Así será tu descendencia."
La promesa de Dios para Abram se ha cumplido y tal vez hasta se siga cupliendo.
The current president of the United States Of America is Barack Obama.
No, this is not a public good. Firefighters work for money and save lives for a living. The government already provides this good to the public, by hiring the firefighters. In my opinion, the government should always provide this good, if someone is in the dire help of need and has no way out of fixing it, ex. fire, then who would be able to save them? The public? I wouldn't think so. A public good is defined as a fundraising organization raising money, or doing something for no profit.
The principle cause of the war was that those states harbored and supported the actions of pirates against American shipping vessels in the Mediterranean Sea.