Python script is given below
charge = float(input('Enter the amount you were charged. $'))
#setting the formula for tip and tax
tip = charge*.18
tax = charge*.07
#printing the values
print('Charge for the food: %.2f' % charge)
print('The tip amount: %.2f' % tip)
print('Tax amount: %.2f' % tax)
print('Total amount: %.2f' % (charge+tip+tax))
tera bur mast hai jwjvszvVbzNjz
This isn’t even a question it’s just instructions for a question. can you elaborate???
The answer is C, an expression that evaluates to true or false.
In computer science, a Boolean expression is an expression used in programming languages that produces a Boolean value when evaluated. A Boolean value is either true or false.
( Lol. I’m in 7th grade doing college work, so this was fun to answer! )