1-12 2-7 5-9 and i dont know there rest
ealizes rycerskość (Code of Chivalry - bohaterowie-rycerze przestrzegający tego kodu) Idealizuje szlachetnego rycerza-bohatera i jego śmiałe uczynki. Kobiety są wyidealizowane i cenione przez rycerza-bohatera.
Edwards was a philosopher and minister who held a sermon during the great awakening that warned sinners that they were going to hell unless they repented and asked god for mercy. I believe his sermon was called “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
Q: 116; Education is available to all the people throughout the world regardless of gender, race, and economic situation.
A: The answer is simple, it is supposed to be true, but there are many places in the world today where the availability of education is not that simple or morally correct to get anymore, such as certain places in the Middle East (there is currently a war going on right now, but I can't figure out what it is).