Expressing sadness...
Heart broken, beaten down or feeling so low; then tears can do wonders to express this feeling. Most of us go through tough situations in life. .
I'm not pretty sure about the answer cause the answer is written by someone else
Why is it that some people seem to be able to read a book once and remember every detail of it for life, while others struggle to recall even the title a few days after putting down a book?
The answer is simple but not easy.
It’s not what they read. It’s how they read. Good reading habits not only help you read more but help you read better.
pah answer ng question koo please lang at pa follow nadin ako
The true meaning of the word "benign" in this sentence is - harmless. It is the word that originates from Latin word "benignus". In medical terms, it refers to something that does not cause death or serious injury. Also, it is most commonly used to describe tumors which are not cancerous. The famous American film director once said: "The most beautiful words in English are not 'I love you' but 'It-s benign'." This word can also be used to describe one's character, meaning that he or she is kind, gentle and that can hardly harm anyone.
The phrase conveys the extreme violence with which the revelers handle the intruder, who is seemingly left without a body.
you know more that the normal amount of knowledge you need to know or you are really good at something so it is easy for you to explain it to someone