The black bolt was all tired out yesterday
Google Elena's diary entries.
Vempire diaries. I can't remember one off the top of my head, but if you haven't watched vampire diaries, you 100% should.
The San master trackers he filmed demonstrated the skills required to track an animal in the wild. If Craig Foster could just have picked out an octopus who wasn't his teacher, all would have been well.
b) It supports the idea that while the country will seek peace and help other countries, it will not be a weak victim to others.
In the speech Kennedy talks about how the country will seek to maintain peace and help its neighbors to be free, strong and prosperous. In that way, by establishing peace and helping neighboring countries, the US will not be a weak victim for any nation. Basically, Kennedy said that once neighbors were helped, they would not turn their backs when the US needed help and that would always keep the country strong.