optical telescope (Hubble), X ray telescope ( Chandra) etc.
get around the Earth's atmosphere so that we can get a clearer view of the planets, stars, and galaxies that we are studying.
Los mares cerrados, como el Mar Mediterráneo, presentan mayores niveles de contaminación porque son entera o mayoritariamente formados por cuencas endorreicas, las cuales no tienen salida directa hacia el océano. De esta manera, las corrientes marítimas no desagotan sus residuos en el océano, sino que continúan retroalimentándose de manera cícilica, con lo que el conjunto de desechos que viaja en dichas corrientes se queda constantemente dentro de la misma cuenca.
thats so funny because i have the exact same question
Seven continents are in this world
The correct answer is - false.
Glaciers have sculpted mountains, carved out valleys, made lots of glacial relief structures, and created thousands of glacial lakes over the past, but this process continues nowadays too. Even though in the present we only have glaciers at limited small parts of the planet, they are still active, and are doing their job in the formation of glacial relief forms. Lots of people tend to thing that the glaciers were only doing this in the past, but this is because they are very rare nowadays, and are shadowed by the more dominant factors in an inter-glacial period like we have at the moment.