I like to play video games! People usually find it unexpected, because I’m a girl who doesn’t look like she knows anything about computers, or video games. I would probably like to get into more baking and stuff, mostly cause it’s fun! My friends wouldn’t expect me to do it cause I don’t like to wait for things like that
You can drink it cold or warm, but it still remains chocolate milk, it is not dependent on temperature. Hot chocolate is cocoa powder, sugar, salt, mixed into water, and then heated. Then, milk or half and half is added. More cocoa than in chocolate milk, and also, water, which isn't in chocolate milk.
Have a great day/night and stay safe!
I think the appropriate response is kouros statue. A kouros is a current term given to unattached old Greek models which first show up in the Archaic period in Greece and speak to bare male young people. In Ancient Greek kouros signifies "youth, kid, particularly of honorable rank".
that's my answer i hope it helps